Monday, April 26, 2010

A note about the blog title

As much as it was a random selection, of whatever blog name was available, the Deliberate Mom title has a place. I want to be the kind of Mom that intentionally lives her live and mothers her children. I intentionally conceived my child, and have been wanting to be a mom since I was 15. I spent time practicing Zen meditation, so that I might be able to step out of the negative patterns I created with my nuclear family. I also spend a few years completing my degree in human development and family science, with the goal of one day teaching parenting. My aspiration as a mother is to be joyful and vibrant. I want to enjoy my children and my family, and not let the mundane tasks and daily irritations get in the way of that.

Such is also the purpose of this blog, as well as to have documentation of the things about motherhood that intrigue me, and the things about Emaline I don't want to forget.