Friday, April 20, 2012


Would be how I'd describe a lot of my parenting, especially the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Physically, it is really tough to wrangle a toddler and a new baby! Hannah is 3 1/2 months old now, and its easier having a new baby and being Emmi's Mom than being pregnant. I regret yelling at Emaline and others during that hard time, hormones also really make it hard to be even keeled. Note to self: remember this when your girls are teenagers, awash with crazy hormones of their own. Have sympathy. Teach them Grace (something they both are named, Hannah also means grace) and how to apologize for their mistakes.

Emaline is 2 1/2. She has reinvented herself yet again as a person, and now converses in sentences. She knows all her colors and is learning letters and numbers. She has make believe discussions with her "Bert and Ernie." Yesterday she was giving pretend shots to Sesame Street characters, telling them it would feel better. I asked her what would help them feel better afterward and she said "ice cream cone!" So I think when we get her shot next week, thats what we'll do.

The shots: we are catching up on her vaccines for preschool. Yep! April 3rd she is starting a mothers day out program, 9-1 on T and Th.

(this is a post from Martch I never finished)

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